A Complete Guide To Express Entry in Canada

Steps for Success in the Express Entry

The Express Entry system is Canada’s primary method for managing applications for permanent residents under its economic immigration programs. It is a points-based system designed to select skilled workers who are most likely to succeed in Canada.
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off score. All applicants who have that score or higher are invited to apply for Canadian permanent residency.
Here’s a roadmap of the process we followed to obtain PR. For a more detailed breakdown be sure to check out the complete guide here.

1.⁠ ⁠Determine Feasibility:
Before starting the application process, determine if you are eligible for one of the three federal immigration programs managed through Express Entry:
•⁠ ⁠Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
•⁠ ⁠Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
•⁠ ⁠Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

Each program has its specific requirements regarding work experience, education, language proficiency and other factors.
To assess whether you will be a good fit for this particular pathway, go through the following steps to determine your chances in the express entry system.
•⁠ ⁠Check if you’re eligible on the Canadian government website and see what pathways you qualify for.
Check stores rs sost recent draws and determine trend to assess
your real chances.
•⁠ ⁠Review all the necessary documents and funds that are required for your most likely pathway
•⁠ ⁠Establish a Timeline from starting the process to arriving in Canada
After you have reviewed the above, these are the next steps.

1.⁠ ⁠Create an Express Entry Profile
Once you determine your eligibility, create an online Express Entry profile on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website, this is free. You will need to provide information about:
: Work experience
Language proficiency
•⁠ ⁠Education
•⁠ ⁠Other personal information
To create a profile you will need to do the following:
•⁠ ⁠Verify your Education Credentials (If you studied outside Canada)
•⁠ ⁠Take a Language Test

2.⁠ ⁠While Waiting in the Pool
•⁠ ⁠Ensure all passports for you and your dependents are valid and Ensure all passports for you and your dependents are valid and up to date
•⁠ ⁠Ensure necessary do exes entry profile is up to date
•⁠ ⁠Save and maintain in your bank account the necessary funds
•⁠ ⁠Improve Your CRS Score
The CRS score is used to rank candidates in the Express Entry pool. Therefore higher scores improve your chances of receiving an invitation to apply(ITA). You can enhance your score by:
•⁠ ⁠Improving Language Scores: Retake language tests to achieve higher scores.
•⁠ ⁠Gaining More Work Experience: Accumulate more work experience in your field.
: Provincal Nominee Program (PNP): Ceting a nominaton from a
Canadian province significantly boosts your score by 600 points.
•⁠ ⁠Secure a valid job offer from a Canadian employer and gain an additional 50-200 points.

3.⁠ ⁠After ITA( Invitation to Apply): Apply for Permanent Residency During regular draws, candidates that meet the cutoff CRS score get issued an ITA. If you receive an ITA, you have 60 days to submit a complete application for permanent residence.
•⁠ ⁠Submit a complete application within 60 days
•⁠ ⁠Compile documents needed for each family member
•⁠ ⁠Ensure documents are up to acceptable IRCC standard

4.⁠ ⁠After Submitting PR Application
Once your application is submitted, wait for IRCC to process it. You will need to pay an application fee at this stage. The processing time can vary, but most applications are processed within six months. During this time, IRCC may contact you for additional information or documentation.
•⁠ ⁠Wait for instructions to complete immigration Medical exam and provide biometrics

5.⁠ ⁠After application approved.
If your application is approved, you will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a permanent resident visa (if applicable). Prepare for Landing in Canada::
•⁠ ⁠Research the Cost of Living: Understand the economics of the province or city you may want to settle in Canada.
•⁠ ⁠Research Career opportunities: Understand the necessary steps to acquire a job or get licensure if in a regulated profession. Explore self employment, business and continuing education opportunites.
: Find Ascomodation: ofer housings. ania your chosen city,
Canadian customs, culture, and legal systems.
Your COPR documents have an expiry date that is usually 1 year after your medicals. Therefore after receiving COPR you will usually have a 6 to 10 month period for preparations to travel to Canada.

6.Landing In Canada
Upon arrival in Canada, present your COPR and visa to the border services officer. You will then be officially admitted as a permanent resident. Ensure you carry all necessary documents and proof of funds at the port of entry
Bonus Information
Credential Verification MD
Below is a checklist to obtain the ECA for a medical doctor. This information is available on the website of the medical council of Canada.
•⁠ ⁠Verify that medical degree is from an acceptable medical school.
•⁠ ⁠Create Physician Apply account
•⁠ ⁠Create a source verification request (SVR)
•⁠ ⁠Submit medical credentials and proof of identity documents
•⁠ ⁠Request ECA when SVR is completed (educational credentials assessment)
lypes of Express Entry Draws
•⁠ ⁠PNP (Provincial Nomination Program)
•⁠ ⁠CEC (Canadian Experience Class)
•⁠ ⁠General or All purpose
•⁠ ⁠Category Draws for specific professions
•⁠ ⁠French Language Proficiency
•⁠ ⁠STEM occupations
Healthcare occupations
Agriculture and Agri-food occupations
Transport Occupations
Trades Occupations


You are required to submit a scanned copy of the front page of your current valid passport and any other pages that contains relevant stamps or visas.
You are only required to submit valid passports and not old passports. If they ask for multiple passports, this is usually referring to individuals with dual citizenships. Also try to ensure that your passports are not expiring within the next six months. However if this is the case you may always submit the application as you work on getting the passport renewed. It just means there may be a delay in processing your application.

Education Documents: At this point you will be required to provide scans of your original education documents with the accompanying ECA. If the original document is in another language it will need to be translated.
Work Experience: The work experience documents are critical documents for several reasons and an error in these documents may result in your application being denied. It is important to note that one of the factors which adds to your CRS score is how many years work experience you have. Please see the CRS section and links for details.
You get maximum points for 3 years of foreign work experience. The amount of points you are awarded is based on the combination of work experience and language test scores. With Canadian work experience, you gain the maximum points at 5 years work experience.
What this means is that if you have lets say 5 years foreign work experience in real life, you don’t necessarily have to claim 5 years work experience when you’re filling out the forms for PR. Whether you claim just three years or five years you will not get additional points because the maximum points is at three years.
So why wouldn’t you want to claim 5 years?
Well because if you state that you have 5 years work experience then you have to now prove that you have five years work experience
with the necessary
documents. Sometimes this can be a hassle if you’ve left that company for a while and maybe the company folded or for whatever reason you cannot get a hold of your former employer to issue the necessary letter. So to avoid over complicating your application if the maximum points you will get is for 3 years foreign work experience then it may be prudent to just list work experience you can support.
What proof do you need to provide?
Well for starters, the work experience needs to be in a single occupation. You will be asked when creating your EE profile, what is your primary occupation. The work experience you provide needs to align with that occupation.
For example let’s say in your application you stated that you’re an accountant However you only worked as an accountant for 1 year and currently have been

Final Words
This part of the process is a critical step. There are several things you can do to help. You may choose to use an immigration consultant/lawyer to submit the PR application for you. They will fill out all the forms, however you will still be required to request the necessary documents from your end.
Or you may choose to compile the application for yourself and then just before you submit, pay for an immigration consultant/lawyer to review your PR application and the supporting documents. Both of these options can cost at least a thousand dollars Canadian. I initially wanted to go for the second option, but it was so costly that my spouse convinced me that between the two of us we can review, double check and triple check the application.

Many people have done their applications by themselves and have been successful, if however you feel like you may only have one shot at this and you do not want to waste it and you have the funds, seek help from the experts. Especially if you also have a complicated case and additionally maybe not have ideal documents etc.
My personal strategy was to work on the application in peace and quiet, this usually happened in the dead of the night. The steps I took were as follows:
•⁠ ⁠BEFORE I received ITA I had already prepared drafts of my letters of explanation and employment records.
•⁠ ⁠After Receiving ITA I immediately requested the letter of proof of employment from my employer and provided them with my draft so they knew all the details I wanted in that letter.
•⁠ ⁠I also immediately worked on having the funds in my bank account and requesting the bank letters.
•⁠ ⁠I did nothing for a couple of days to allow the excitement to reduce a little.
•⁠ ⁠One day I ensured I was well rested and had enough sleep and devoid of all distractions I sat down to fill out the forms in the first section. I did this over the course of several days taking breaks and took my time to ensure the information was correct. And then my spouse verified all the information and we made corrections as necessary.
•⁠ ⁠I created a folder for the application with various subfolders for all the different documents needed and for each family member. You will find a video describing this in the resources section.
•⁠ ⁠On another well rested day I scanned all the documents required and then meticulously ENSURED THAT THEY WERE PROPERLY NAMED.


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