
BIAFRA: IPOB Wins South Africa in Court Today

The Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB, has on Friday won a court case filed against them by South Africa police over October 3 demonstration when the Nigeria President visited South the country.

Recall that on Thursday 3rd October 2019, members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) residing in South Africa, carried out a peaceful demonstration/protest when the Nigeria president Muhammadu Buhari visited the country, demanding that he (Buhari) should be subjected to a DNA test.

The South African police reacted offensively while trying to abated the protest, injuring and wounding several of IPOB protesters. In additional an IPOB member was arrested and kept in police custody awaiting court trial on Friday 4th October 2019. This was objected to by the presiding judge pending final determination of the matter which was adjourned to Friday 11th October 2019.

According to Radio Biafra,IPOB members stormed the court in their numbers on Friday in solidarity as the case for his acquittal was being determined. Civil protest is an inalienable right of citizens and can never be adjudged criminal in any civilized society. The IPOB member after due legal implications as critically determined, was eventually granted bail and released. This is yet another unprecedented victory for the IPOB global family in her legitimate quest for justice and freedom

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