Wife of Air Comandore attacks Soldier in PortHarcourt

The Rivers state Airforce base PortHarcourt, was today thrown into panic as One Mrs Irobuisi, reported to be the wife of Air Commodore CC Irobuisi and presently the deputy director of safety defence headquarters Abuja, has attempted to murder one of the soldiers in Air force secondary school of portHarcourt capital city.

According to reports, the airman flogged her daughter for an indiscipline act, of which a female civilian teacher gave the daughter phone to report to her mum. The wife of the Air force commandore immediately drove into the school with a cutlass, while discussions were on going.

Mrs Irobuisi removed the cutlass in an attempt to kill the airman, fortunately the airman survived the attack although badly injured. He is currently responding to treatment at NAF reference hospital in Port-Harcourt.

It is alleged that Mrs Irobuisi has assaulted airmen and officers severally at different locations. She was suspended from Nigerian Airforce Officers Wife Association few years back for slapping and biting an officer’s wife.

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